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Requirements for the design of scientific abstracts in the collection of scientific works "Actual problems of modern mathematics"

In abstracts in Ukrainian, Polish or English, authors can submit material that has not been published before, according to the following structure: statement of the problem, analysis of current research, purpose, presentation of the main material, conclusions and perspectives of further research, list of used sources and literature.

The volume of abstracts: 2-3 pages, sheet – A4, font – Times New Roman, font size – 14; line spacing – 1.5; fields - 25 mm each.

1st line: surname and initials of the author (bold, right).

2nd line: academic degree, academic title, position.

3rd line: surname and initials of the supervisor for students (bold, on the right).

4th line: scientific degree, academic rank, position of scientific supervisor for students

(italics, right).

5th line: the name of the institution (italics, on the right).

6th line: city, country (italics, right).

7th line: abstract title (in capital letters, centered).

The text of an abstract. In conclusion the list of used sources and the literature, designed

according to the bibliographic requirements of DSTU 2015.

The illustrations, diagrams, program codes and tables should be located as they are mentioned in the text (not at the end of abstracts). Figures should be legible, in-text, centered, numbered, and captioned. Format of the caption of the figure: center alignment, italics, font – Times New Roman 14pt, position – below the figure, indicated by the abbreviated word "Fig.". One blank line must be left before the figure and after its signature.

Tables should be enumerated, aligned in the center, without indents. The word "Table 1", italics, right alignment, font Times New Roman 14pt. Table title format: center alignment, bold, position is above the table.

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