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Ukrainian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Modern Problems of Mathematics: Applied aspects"

May 30, 2024 

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

We invite scientists, lecturers of institutions of higher and professional education, teachers of general secondary education institutions, representatives of state educational institutions, degree holders and education holders, as well as specialists in the field of mathematics to cooperate.

The purpose of the conference is to stimulate scientific and applied research in the field of mathematics, to determine promising areas of their application in science and education, to exchange scientific information and practical achievements in this field, to establish closer ties between scientists of higher education institutions and scientific institutions, to encourage student youth to scientific research.



Sections of the conference:


1. Applied aspects of the modern mathematics.

2. Mathematical methods and models in physics.

3. Use of mathematical models in statistics and economics.

4. Applied aspects of mathematical modeling in information technologies.

5. Modern problems of mathematical and complex analysis.

6. Applied aspects of teaching mathematics.



Conference languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish.

The participation in the conference: the remote form of the participation



Abstracts of the conference

The submissions should be original and not previously published. The abstracts of talks (up to 3 pages long) will be published in the collection of scientific works "Actual problems of modern mathematics".

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